61. Veganism as a transition to a new paradigm

61. Veganism as a transition to a new paradigm


We consider the transition from eating carcasses of murdered animals to a more ethical – i.e. vegan diet - as a typical manifestation of the currently ongoing transition of the global human society from the old - predatory paradigm, to the new - spiritual paradigm. Let's summarize in a very brief and general form the essence of the leaving paradigm and the essence of the upcoming paradigm:




- The Universe is random and determined by competition fight.


- The Universe is based on the integrity of the order; the values are determined by deep intelligence.


- Earth and nature are the environment of humans.


- Earthly life is a living organism, man only is a single part of the unit, an organ of wholeness.


- The purpose of the existence of everything is to be a subject of the human control so that humans can use it for their own well-being.


- Man can exercise his cultivated needs only in such a way so that it does not substantially endanger or limit the existence of all other beings.


- All other living beings and natural structures are subordinate to man, and therefore do not have the same value of life, quality of life, and therefore no personal rights, however comparable to human rights.


- All other beings have their own values of life, but the same right to life, to exist, and to fulfil their natural possibilities, as man.


- The purpose of human existence is to satisfy one's own, relative desires.


- The purpose of human existence is to apply the spiritual vision of cooperating wholeness, given the harmfulness of human needs by minimizing personal gain, with its impact on the general interconnectedness of life on Earth.



Veganism as one of the steps along the way


We therefore understand veganism as one of the steps on the path to a deeper experience of life. It is a necessary step, but certainly not the only one. We offer a view of veganism as a “door to a new space” - a door to discover even more subtle contexts of life, to realize the One/Who transcends the man. We also believe that veganism should not be turned into a “new religion” - practicing veganism is not a virtue, but it should be rather commonplace for all of us.
